Descriptive Statistics for groups with a maximum of samples.
T-Test Calculator for 2 Independent Means (for Sample Sizes ≤ (Please choose between 6 and 100)
T-Test Calculator for 2 Paired Samples (with a Sample Size ≤ (Please choose between 6 and 100)
One-Way Analysis of Variance Calculator for treatments with a maximum of samples.
One-Way Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance Calculator for treatments with a maximum of samples.
Mann Whiney U-Test Calculator for Sample Sizes ≤ (Please choose between 6 and 100)
Wilcoxon-Signed-Rank Test Calculator for a Sample Size ≤ (Please choose between 6 and 100)
Sign Test Calculator for a Sample Size ≤ (Please choose between 6 and 100)
Kruskal–Wallis one-way analysis of variance Calculator for treatments with a maximum of samples.
Friedman test Calculator for treatments with a maximum of samples.
Quade test Calculator for treatments with a maximum of samples.
Cochran's Q test Calculator for treatments with a maximum of samples.
Chi-Square goodness-of-fit test Calculator for uniform distribution with a maximum of groups.
McNemar test Calculator
Linear regression Calculator for 1 dependent and independent variables with samples.
Spearman's rank correlation coefficient Calculator for Sample Sizes ≤ (Please choose between 6 and 100)
Rank Biserial Correlation Coefficient Calculator for Sample Sizes ≤ (Please choose between 6 and 100)
Calculator for the Phi coefficient and χ²-test for the independence of two variables
Fisher's exact test of independence calculator for 2 x 2 tables
© Wolfgang Schramm (2008)
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