Basic Statistics & Probability Calculators from the Lecture: Wissenschaftliche Arbeitsmethoden  

I. Distribution-Score and P-value

Distribution Tables (One Tail)

Distribution-Score and P-value calculators

II. Important Statistical Tests: Import data from your spreadsheet

Select a statistical hypothesis test, thereafter Copy&Paste from your spreadsheet software into the above input box (or generate radom sample data), and press (Input-format: Tab-separated or semicolon ";" delimited. The decimal mark: Either a dot "." or a comma ",") Javascript in your browser has to be enabled!    Excel sheet with some examples

III. Sample size calculator (examples)

IV. Important Statistical Tests: Manual data entry

Which Correlation Coefficient?

Interval/RatioPearsonSpearman RankPoint Biserial
OrdinalSpearman RankSpearman RankRank Biserial
DichotomousPoint BiserialRank BiserealPhi Coefficient

Which Test to detect differences in central tendencies (mean resp. median) between 2 populations?

Independent SamplesPaired Samples
Interval/RatioT-Test for independent VariablesPaired t-Test
OrdinalMann-whitney U-TestWilcoxon-Signed-Rank Test or Sign Test
Dichotomousχ2-TestMcNemar Test

Which Test to detect differences in central tendencies (mean resp. median) between more than 2 populations?

Independent SamplesPaired Samples
OrdinalKruskal-Wallis TestFriedman Test or Quade Test
Dichotomousχ2-TestCochran Q Test

© Wolfgang Schramm (2008)

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