Born in Vienna, Austria (I am now 67.6 years old.)
Nationality : Austria
Webpage : (The transfer from my Medical University of Vienna (MUW) homepage to this private domain was necessary because employees of the MUW can no longer be provided with a personal webspace.)
Send a message to Wolfgang Schramm
6 / 1976 Graduation, Bundesrealgymnasium BRG Wien 18 Schopenhauerstraße 49, Austria
7 / 1976 - 3 / 1977: Education and training: Heilbademeister und Heilmasseur at the WIFI Salzburg (Exam on April 15, 1977)
10 / 1976 - 10 / 1981: University of Vienna: Study of medicine
11 / 1981 - 1/1982: Guest physician at the Kaiserin Elisabeth Spital Wien
2 / 1982 - 3 / 1985: Internship at the Krankenhaus Barmherzige Brüder Wien and Eisenstadt, Austria, training in general medicine
3 / 1985: Diploma in general medicine
4 / 1985 - 11 / 1985: Eight months of military service at the Maria Theresien Kaserne Wien and the draft board (Stellungsstraße) as general practitioner
12 / 1985 - 1 / 1990: Assistant doctor at the Allgemeines Krankenhaus Wien (AKH) for the specialisation in anaesthesiology and intensive care medicine
1 / 1990: Diploma of medical specialist in anaesthesiology and intensive care medicine
2 / 1990 - 10 / 1993: Continuing education in neurosurgical anaesthesiology at the Allgemeines Krankenhaus Wien
6 / 1998 Medical University of Vienna: Effects of neuromuscular blocking agents on intracranial pressure
11 / 1993 - 10 / 2003: Senior physician for anaesthesiology and intensive care medicine at the intensive care unit 13B3 of the Allgemeines Krankenhaus Wien
11 / 2003 - 11 / 2004: Senior physician for anaesthesiology and intensive care medicine at the central operations theatre OP-Gruppe I Allgemeines Krankenhaus Wien
12 / 2004 - 09 / 2022: Physician for anaesthesiology and intensive care (neurosurgical anaesthesiology) at the neurosurgical operating theatre, Allgemeines Krankenhaus AKH Wien
12 / 1959 until now: Member of the Vienna Soap Box Derby Car Racing Club. (However, since in 2013 I didn't find any reference in the WWW, possibly this club doesn't exist any more.)
1 / 1982 until now: Member of the Medical Association of Vienna (= Wiener Ärztekammer, and Austrian Ärztekammer)
See publication list